Modify First Family

- Once the family is placed inside your file you will be able to edit and configure it as you desire.
- Click and highlight the family you have just added to your Revit project file.
- In the Properties window, all the instance parameters for this family are visible. You will notice that each editable parameter starts with a prefix that denotes the kind of operation that parameter will perform. The most commonly used are:
- ADD_: Add or take away a feature or sub-component. For example, ADD_Locks.
- MODIFY_: Directly change an aspect of the model. Usually paired with a sister parameter. For example, MODIFY_Starter/MODIFY_Adder.
- ENTER_: An open input for a length or an integer such as ENTER_Width, or ENTER_Number of Shelves. These parameters are always paid with an ACTUAL_ parameter.
- ACTUAL_: A data validation parameter to ensure inputs are valid. For example, a casework model can be 24-48” wide. If ENTER_Width is equal to 52”, then ACTUAL_Width will display 48”.
- MAT_: A material parameter. Most families include a MAT_Base (such as plywood) and a MAT_Finish (such as high-pressure laminate). These can be filled with any material currently in your project.
- Start by entering a new width into ENTER_Width and click “Apply”.
- Play around with other options to get a feel how complex configurations can be set up.

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First Sync
In order for the information in the master schedule to be accurate, you will need to perform your first sync to our content database.