
Multi-Level Bike Rack

Product SKU


  • Price included in model
  • Smallest footprint
  • Modular construction
  • 4 bikes per unit
  • Smooth and silent operation
  • Only 34" needed between units side-by-side and 36" between units back-to-back
  • Galvanized or powder coat finishes
  • Must be anchored to the floor
a square with short lines outside the corner
icon of a person with gears next to its head
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Multi-level bike rack

The modular bike storage systems store bikes safely and securely for temporary or long-term parking. Each product can be expanded upon to suit your space or storage capacity goals.

Features include:

  • Dedicated, secure storage for bikes
  • Modular design fits nearly any space
  • Galvanized, stainless, or powder-coated steel finish options

In addition, each model comes with a high level of information built in, including links to more detailed information should you need it. Having this level of flexibility combined with a high level of information is truly what BIM is meant to be.

Standard Widths32",64", 96", etc.
Standard Depths76"
Minimum Depth6' 4" (76")
Maximum Depth6' 4" (76")
Standard Heights77"
Minimum Height6' 5" (77")
Maximum Height6' 5" (77")
ManufacturerSouthwest Solutions Group_DER
Lead TimeContact SSG for info
Construction Type0
Keynote12 93 13
Assembly CodeE2010
Toll Free Number1-800-803-1083
Includes SustainabilityYes
Includes PricingYes
ADA CompliantNo
Has MEP ConnectorsNo
Primary MaterialPowder coated steel
BIMobject CategoryFurniture: Shelving & Storage
Omniclass23-11 29 11 11